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Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Abgeschlossene Dissertationen

2024 - 2023

Autorenschaft Titel Betreuung Jahr

Capaul, Raphael

Agenda-Setting in der Schweizer Politik: Zur Auslösung von Gesetzgebungsarbeiten auf Bundesebene Daniel Kübler, Felix Uhlmann 2024

Kerler, Philipp

Essays on accountability and participation in the Global South: How information shapes opinions and behavior Katharina Michaelowa, Christian Ochsner 2024

Breyer, Magdalena

Social Status Politics: The Role of Shifting Cultural Hierarchies Tarik Abou-Chadi, Noam Gidron, Silja Häusermann 2023

Stirnimann, Arno Carl Moritz

The Legitimacy of State Secrecy – The Second-Order Publicity Principle and the Review of State Secrecy in Liberal Democracy Francis Cheneval, Vigjilenca Abazi 2023
Ruchet, Olivier Citizen Wolin: Democracy and the Vocation of Political Theory Francis Cheneval, Wendy Brown, Daniele Caramani, Lisa Disch 2023
Bantel, Ivo Competitors or Foes? The Structure and Dynamics of Affective Polarization in Multi-Party Systems Lucas Leemann, Jonathan B. Slapin, Markus Wagner 2023
Caspar, Christian
Demokratische Legitimität und diskursive Macht - Analyserahmen zur Untersuchung des Zusammenspiels von Demokratie, Macht und öffentlicher Kommunikation   Francis Cheneval, Mark Eisenegger 2023
Trichet, Marine
From Screens to Streets: Understanding the Impact of Digital Fault Reporting Platforms on Urban Governance in Contemporary Western Europe Daniel Kübler, David Kaufmann 2023


2022 - 2018

Autorenschaft Titel Betreuung Jahr

Araújo Silva, Victor Augusto

The Politics of Cash transfer in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Evidence From Brazil and Beyond Katja Michaelowa, Marco Steenbergen, Pablo Beramendi, Anderson Frey 2022

Enggist, Matthias

Welfare Politics in a Context of Second-Dimension Salience Silja Häusermann, Tarik Abou-Chadi, Alexandre Afonso, Sergi Pardos-Prado 2022

Hedinger, Franziska

Menschenrechte in der Politischen Bildung - Fachliche Umsetzung des Lerngegenstandes „Menschenrechte“: Analyse von Unterrichtsstunden auf der Sekundarstufe I Daniel Kübler, Roland Reichenbach 2022

Licht, Hauke

Harnessing Large, Diverse, and Multilingual Text Data in Party Competition Research Tarik Abou-Chadi, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin 2022
Schlegel, Benjamin

Strategic Voting

Marko Steenbergen, Thomas Gschwend, Silja Häusermann

Valsangiacomo, Chiara

Liquid Assemblies: A Theoretical Inquiry into the Use of Liquid-Democratic Principles for Legislative Decision-Making

Francis Chenevaal, Joseph Lacey, Valeria Ottonelli, Jennifer Marie Page

Vögeli, Urs

Direkte Demokratie und Menschenrechte - Genossenschaftlicher Republikanismus verbindet

Francis Cheneval, Andreas Kley

Zollinger, Delia 

Structural Change, Identity Formation, and Cleavage Consolidation in 21st Century Politics

Silja Häusermann, Catherine De Vries, Sara Binzer Hobelt, Thomas Christian Kurer


Besch, Johannes

Causes and Consequences of Party Factionalism: Factions as Substitutes for Parties in Comparative Perspective Daniele Caramani, Marco Steenbergen, Stefanie Bailer 2021

Fust, Sebastian

Searching for Stability and Predictability in Latin American Party Systems – Introducing a Linkage-Based Comparative Approach Daniele Caramani, Marco Steenbergen 2021

Gander, Heiri

Die Parlametarische Oberaufsicht in den Schweizer Kantonen Thomas Widmer, Daniel Kübler 2021

Kalte, Deborah Sophia

Political Consumerism as Unconventional Political Participation. An Analysis of Boycotts, Buycotts, Lifestyle and Discursive Political Consumerism in Switzerland and Beyond. Daniel Kübler, Jörg Rössel, Magnus Boström 2021

Lopez-Ortega, Alberto

A vote for diversity? Understanding voters' preferences for politicians through experimental innovations Oliver Strijbis, Tarik Abou-Chadi, Alessandro Nai, Loes Aaldering 2021

Pinggera, Michael

The New Partison Politics of the Welfore Stote: How voters' sociol policy priorities impoct parties' issue emphases Silja Häusermann, Marius Busemeyer, Jonathan Polk, Marco Steenbergen 2021

Radojevic, Marco

Still a Long Way to the Top? Survey Experiments on the (S)election of Women in Politics Fabrizio Gilardi, Marco Steenbergen, Johanna Rickne 2021

Timcheva, Siyana

Ideological cleavages beyond the nation state: The rise of transnational political groups in onternational parliaments Daniele Caramani, Frank Schimmelfennig 2021

Walder, Maxime

Parties and voters in interaction. Lessons from Swiss Direct Democracy Oliver Strijbis, Lukas Leemann, Nathalie Giger 2021

Willi, Thomas

Difficult Choices: Imputation and Choice Sets Marco Steenbergen, Daniele Caramani 2021

Binding, Garret

Political actors in space Marco Steenbergen, Lucas Leemann, Susumu Shikano 2020

Grünenfelder, Ran

Sport as a Bridge-Building Activity and a Tool to Promote Peace in Divided Societies. A Philosophical Discourse towards a New Theoretical Framework Francis Cheneval, Siegfried Nagel 2020
Hayashi, Daisuke

Green Innovation in China and India: Technological Learning, Technology Transfer, and Public Policies in the Wind Power and Solar Photovoltaic Industries

Katharina Michaelowa, Volker Hoffmann, Marco Steenbergen


Palmtag, Tabea

The Political Economy of Protest - How the Uneven Distribution of Development and Globalization Gains Affects Welfare and Protest Stefanie Walter, Lucas Leemann, Layna Mosley 2020

Ray Ari

The Political Economy of Macroeconomic Adjustment in the Eurozone Periphery Stefanie Walter, Silja Häusermann, Evelyne Hübscher 2020

Woo, Su Yun

Deliberative democracy with Chinese characteristics - Examining the impact of deliberation on local governance in Chengdu and Wenling Daniel Kübler, Baogang He, Marco Steenbergen 2020

Zahno, Martina

Promoting energy transitions - Between broad-based access and climate change mitigation Katja Michaelowa, Tobias Schmidt 2020

Zwicky, Roman

Housing governance in a time of financialization: A comparative analysis of Zurich, Birmingham and Lyon Daniel Kübler, Christian Schmid, Thomas Widmer 2020

Asri, Maria Viola

Social pensions for greying India: Empirical analysis of potential effectiveness constraints Katharina Michaelowa, Isabel Günther, Stefan Klonner 2019

El-Wakil, Alice

Government with the People. The Value of Facultative Referendums in Democratic Systems Francis Cheneval, Daniel Kübler, Maja Setälä, Mark E. Warren 2019

Ganzfried Couderc, Miriam

Global diffusion of womens' rights norms within a transnational network: The case of Amnesty International and the recognition of violence against women as a human rights violation Elham Manea, Fabrizio Gilardi, Heinzpeter Znoj 2019

Limpach, Sophia Melody

Aid and accountability: The modalities of poverty reduction strategies and their impact on democratization Daniel Bochsler, Frank Schimmelfennig 2019

Redeker, Nils

The Politics of Too Much: Essays on the Emergence and Persistence of Current-Account Surpluses Stefanie Walter, Jeffry Frieden, Silja Häusermann 2019

Betel Bekele, Birhanu

Transnational human rights pressure at critical political junctures and the behavior of strategically important, yet “vulnerable”, target states: Insides from the Horn and East Africa Elham Manea, Marco Steenbergen, Anita R. Godhes 2018

Burkadze, Zarina

Competing foreign influences and domestic coordination in democratizing Georgia: EU, NATO, US, and Russia Daniele Caramani, Marco Steenbergen, Frank Schimmelfennig 2018
Eberli, Daniela

Evaluationsnutzung im Parlament: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Schweiz

Thomas Widmer, Fritz Sager, Daniel Kübler


Kummerer, Julia Marlene

Climate politics at the intersection between international dynamics and national decision-making: A policy network approach Karin Ingold, Marco Steenbergen, Thomas Widmer 2018

Kurer, Thomas

The declining middle: Mass politics in times of automation Jane Gingrich, Silja Häusermann, Stefanie Walter 2018

Namhata, Chandreyee

Climate aid: A conceptual and empirical investigation Sebastian Fehrler, Katharina Michaelowa, Marco Steenbergen 2018

Rommel, Tobias

Foreign direct investment and the politics of autocratic survival Svend-Erik Skaaning, Marco Steenbergen, Stefanie Walter 2018

Spirig, Judith

Like cases alike or asylum lottery? Inconsistency in judicial decision making at the Swiss Federal Administrative Court Benjamin E. Lauderdale, Heiko Rauhut, David Soskice, Marco Steenbergen 2018

Strebel, Michael

Public support for metropolitan integration. Citizens’ attitudes in eight West European metropolitan areas Daniel Kübler, Anders Lindström, Marco Steenbergen 2018

Weber, Edward

Politik von Unten: Populismus in der Schweiz Marco Steenbergen, Hanspeter Kriesi 2018

Zamora, Patrik

Political simulation games in civic education Beatrice Ziegler, Daniel Kübler 2018