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Political Systems and Theories II Exam room: n.n. Exam format: on-site (online) |
Mon, 16.06.2025 14.15-15.45 |
Intermediate Methods and Statistics Exam room: part 1: n.n; part 2: n.n. Exam format: on-site (online) |
Tue, 17.06.2025 10.00-11.00 |
Introduction to Qualitative Methods Exam room: n.n. Exam: remote (online) |
Wed, 18.06.2025 14.15-15.45 |
Notice regarding the repetition exams for the mandatory modules in our BA program:
Political Systems and Theories II Exam room: n.n. Exam format: on-site (online) |
Mon, 25.08.2025 14.15-15.45 |
Intermediate Methods and Statistics Exam room: n.n. Exam format: on-site (1st part online; 2nd part online) |
Tue, 26.08.2025 10.30-11.30 |
Introduction to Qualitative Methods Exam room: n.n. Exam: on-site (online) |
Wed, 27.08.2025 14.15-15.45 |
Development and Sustainability Exam room: n.n. Exam format: on-site (paper pencil) |
Mon, 19.05.2025 12.15-13.45 |
Comparative and International Political Economy Exam room: n.n. Exam format: on-site (online) |
Wed, 21.05.2025 10.15-11.45 |
Governance Exam room: n.n. Exam format: on-site (online) |
Mon, 26.05.2025 14.15-15.45 |
Security and Conflict Exam room: n.n. Exam format: on-site (paper pencil) |
Tue, 27.05.2025 10.15-11.45 |
Political Theory Exam: remote (online) |
Wed, 28.05.2025 08.15-09.45 |
Current Issues of Political Sciences Exam: remote (online) |
Wed, 28.05.2025 14.15-15.45 |
European Politics Exam room: n.n. Exam: onsite (online) |
Fri, 30.05.2025 14.15-15.45 |