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Department of Political Science

Felipe Perilla Reyes

Felipe Perilla Reyes

  • Doctoral Candidate / Doktorand
  • Assistant / Assistent

Curriculum vitae

Born in Bogota in 1993, Felipe Perilla-Reyes studied economics (B.A., 2017) and philosophy (B.A., 2018) at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. As a graduate teaching- and research assistant, he worked on long-term economic development at Uniandes' Center for Studies on Economic Development (CEDE). Felipe has also worked on public policy design, evaluation, and execution. During the Summer of 2023, he received his MSc in Social Data Science from the University of Copenhagen, where he was a graduate teaching assistant for three core courses of his MSc program. Convinced that the barriers to development are not only technical but mainly political, Felipe joined the Chair of Political Institutions and European Politics as a doctoral researcher in the Fall of 2023. Under the supervision of Prof. Jonathan Slapin, he uses state-of-the-art tools from natural language processing, computer vision, and social network analysis to study the social origins of political selection in the long term.

Research topic



No lectures at the moment

Publications (ZORA)

Currently no publications on ZORA