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Department of Political Science

Catarina Pereira

Catarina Pereira

  • Doctoral Candidate / Doktorandin

Curriculum vitae

Catarina is a doctoral candidate at the Chair for Political Methodology under Prof. Dr. Marco Steenbergen’s supervision and is working on the project “Large-Scale Political Participation: Issue Identification, Deliberation, and Co-creation”. She received a master’s degree in International Studies, with a focus on political polarization in text-as-data, from ISCTE (Portugal) in 2022. She has an engineering background with a bachelor's and master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from IST (Portugal) and the University of Twente (Netherlands). In addition to her studies, she worked as a Data Scientist in the industry and as an assistant professor of data mining, machine learning, and deep learning at ISEG University (Portugal). Her main interests are in the areas of political polarization, deliberative democracy, and computational social science.

Research area

Research topic



V-Nr Course Start / End Date Lecturers Room
from 17 Sep 2024
to 17 Dec 2024
Tue 10:15-12:00 Catarina Trindade Pereira

Publications (ZORA)

Currently no publications on ZORA