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Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Offene Stellen / Open Positions

Offene Stellen

PhD position in the research project “Contested Representation of Inequalities in International Cooperation” - Dr. Thomas Malang

The Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich ( invites applicants for a PhD position in the research group of Dr. Thomas Malang. The PhD student will work in the project entitled Contested Representation of Inequalities in International Cooperation which is part of the University Research Priority Program (URPP) Equality of Opportunity (

Further information:2025-PhD-Malang (PDF, 92 KB)

Please apply her:2025 - PhD Position - Dr. Thomas Malang

PhD position in the research project “Inequalities, Politicization and Policy Demand” - Professor Silja Häusermann

The Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich ( invites applicants for a PhD position in the research group of Prof. Silja Häusermann. The PhD student will work in the project entitled Inequalities, Politicization and Policy Demand, which is part of the University Research Priority Program (URPP) Equality of Opportunity (

Further information:2025-PhD-Häusermann (PDF, 92 KB)

Please apply here:2025 - PhD Position - Professor Häusermann

PhD position in the research project “Decades of Peace” - Professor Enzo Nussio

The Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich ( invites applicants for a PhD position in the research group of Prof. Enzo Nussio. The PhD student will work in the team of the consolidator project entitled “Decades of Peace” which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Further information: 2025_PhD-Nussio (PDF, 83 KB)

Please apply here: 2025 - PhD Position - Professor Enzo Nussio

Post-Doctoral research position (80%) in the research group of Professor Silja Häusermann

The Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich ( invites applications for a post-doctoral research position in the research group of Professor Silja Häuser-mann (, who holds the Chair in Swiss Politics and Comparative Political Economy.
The research agenda of our group is situated at the intersection of comparative political economy, comparative politics, political behavior and welfare state research. Substantively, our research relates to the development of party systems, political conflict and electoral sociology, economic regimes, labor markets, social policy and inequality in Western Europe. Our teaching is in the areas of both Comparative Political Economy, as well as Swiss Politics.

Further information: 2025-Postdoc-Häusermann (PDF, 87 KB)

Please apply here: 2025 - Postdoc Position - Professor Silja Häusermann


Post-Doctoral research position (80%) in the research project “Decades of Peace” - Professor Enzo Nussio

The Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich ( invites ap-plicants for a postdoctoral researcher position in the research group of Prof. Enzo Nussio. The postdoc will work in the team of the consolidator project entitled “Decades of Peace” which is fund-ed by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Further information: 2025_Postdoc-Nussio (PDF, 85 KB)

Please apply here: 2025 - Postdoc Position - Professor Enzo Nussio