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Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Hugo Subtil

Hugo Subtil, Dr.

  • Postdoc
+41 44 634 41 79

Curriculum vitae

Hugo Subtil is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Comparative Politics in Political institutions and European Politics. He studied economics at École Polytechnique (France), before receiving his PhD from the École des Mines and École Polytechnique (France). His research interests lies at the intersection of Political Economy, Political Science, and Computational Social Sciences, with a focus on European Studies. He is particularly interested in studying how to extract ideologies from large text corpora.
His empirical work draws upon machine learning algorithms and social media data to quantify two main effects: (1) the extent to which institutional design affects social norms and behaviors, and (2) how political ideologies have evolved over time.



Political Economy, European studies, Polarization

Transversale Forschungsschwerpunkte am IPZ


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