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Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Simon Persico

Simon Persico, Prof. Dr.

  • Visiting Researcher / Professor of Political Science at Sciences Po Grenoble

Curriculum vitae

Simon Persico is Professor of Political Science at Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA, and is Head of the Gouvernance team in the Pacte research center. His research interests focus on party system change, attention dynamics and environmental politics. More specifically, Simon has worked on the politicization of environmental issues in Western Europe, by studying the development of the ecological movement (through the lenses of both green parties and mobilizations) and its impact on public opinion and party competition. He also works on the impact of political parties on policies and on the reasons why elected representatives fulfill their electoral pledges (or not). Finally, Simon studies contemporary French electoral realignments. He is the co-editor of the francophone handbook Partis Politiques (with Florence Haegel, 2023). His works are published in Political Studies, the Journal of Election, Public Opinion and Parties, the French Political Science Review, French Politics, Gouvernement e t Action Publique… During his stay in Zurich, he intends to work on a monograph about the Ecologism vs. Productivism cleavage and party system change in Western Europe.
Simon will be at the IPZ at several instances in March, April, and June.