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Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Jessica Lang

Jessica Lang

  • Academic guests researcher / Gastwissenschaftlerin

Curriculum vitae

Jessica Lang is a PhD researcher at the EUI and visits the IPZ during the spring term 2024. In her dissertation, she explores dynamics between climate justice grassroots, mass media, and public opinion in Switzerland between the 1970s and 2020. She’s particularly interested in how grassroots substantially and substantively influence discourses around climate change. This focus encompasses questions such as how journalists make sense of activism, whether people respond to such articles by writing opinionated letters to the editor, whether MPs speak (differently) about activism and climate change, and whether these dynamics influence voting and electoral behaviour. Employing a range of methods, she mainly works with protest event data, public opinion surveys, newspaper articles, parliamentary protocols, and archival data. During her time at the IPZ, she hopes to deepen her knowledge of approaches to quantitatively and qualitatively analysing text.