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Department of Political Science

Garret Binding

Garret Binding, Dr.

  • Postdoc
  • Office hours are held on Mondays from 9 - 11 a.m. in room AFL-H-334
+41 44 634 58 45

Curriculum vitae

He studied Political Science and Sociology at the University of Zurich with an MA in Autumn 2015. He is employed at the Economic Research Center KOF at ETH Zurich since 2012, and a tutor at the Chair for Methods of Political Science under Prof. Dr. Marco Steenbergen since 2014. During his studies he worked on projects at the Sotomo Research Center under Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Gilardi and Prof. Dr. Scott W. Desposato. Since 2016 he is assistant at the Chair of Methods in Political Science.

Research area

Research Focus


Transversal research priorities at the IPZ

  • Politics and Inequality


V-Nr Course Start / End Date Lecturers Room
from 18 Sep 2024
to 18 Dec 2024
Wed 10:15-12:00 Garret Binding

Publications (ZORA)

ZORA Publication List

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