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Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Lovisa Mundschenk

Lovisa Mundschenk

  • Doctoral Candidate / Doktorandin

Curriculum vitae

Lovisa is a PhD candidate at Prof. Dr. Hannah Werner’s chair of Comparative Politics and Democratic Representation and the Center for Democracy Studies in Aarau. In her dissertation project, she focuses on climate change and democratic attitudes.
She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in political science and sustainability science in 2021 from Leuphana University Lunenburg (Germany) and her Master’s degree in political science from University of Mannheim (Germany) in 2024. She was a visiting student at University of Oslo (Norway) in 2023, and an associate member of the Centre for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioural Sciences (CDSS) at the University of Mannheim from 2022-2024.
During her Master’s she worked as a research assistant at the DFG-funded project “Issue Evolution in Multiparty Systems” at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, and at the Chair of Political Economy. In her Master Thesis she analysed the impact of Fridays for Future on voting behaviour and evaluations of democracy in Germany. Her research interests lie in the field of political behaviour and quantitative methods.


V-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Beginn / Ende Termin Dozierende Raum
von 17.02.2025
bis 26.05.2025
Mo 14:00-15:45 Lovisa Marie Mundschenk Hannah Werner siehe Details

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