Curriculum vitae

Axel Michaelowa is head of the group on international climate policy at the chair “Political Economy and Development”, University of Zurich and Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS). Besides his research work, he is senior founding partner of the consultancy “Perspectives”. Axel is member of the editorial boards of the journals “Climate Policy”, “Climate and Development” and "Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management" as well as of the board of the research network "Climate Strategies". For over two decades, Axel has been working on climate policy issues and published over 100 articles, studies and book contributions, mainly on the market mechanisms of the Paris Agreement and the Kyoto Protocol. With regard to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Axel served on the CDM Executive Board's Registration and Issuance Team between 2006 and 2013 and has contributed to the development of eight approved CDM baseline methodologies. As one of the leading European experts on CDM institution building in developing countries, Axel supported several governments in Asia and North Africa/Middle East. Axel was a lead author of the chapter on international agreements in the 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published in 2014 and wrote on mitigation policies in the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published in 2007. He co-founded the Zurich Carbon Market Association in 2010 and has been its president since then.

Full-CV (PDF, 255 KB)