The attitudes of the population towards (public) regulation are the focus of the present study. It is a follow-up study to the 2016 and 2020 analyses of the attitudes of the Swiss population to public regulation (Höglinger/Widmer 2016; Milic/Widmer 2021) and is again based on a population survey.
The project includes the analysis of existing quality labels and certifications for NGOs and the elaboration of recommendations for the attention of SDC, which of them are suitable to serve as a basis for subsidy decisions for program funding in the years 2025 to 2028.
According to the church law (Kirchengesetz; KiG) the canton of Zurich contributes since 2010 to the costs of the cantonal church corporate bodies for their activities in the fields of education, social issues and culture for society as a whole (§ 19 Abs. 2 KiG). For the time periods 2014-2019 and 2020-2025 the financial support for the evangelical-reformed state church of the canton of Zurich and the roman-catholic corporate body of the canton of Zurich are based on activity programs with global budgets. This study aims at providing the systematic scientific basis in regard of the next funding period (2026-2031). The study includes three surveys: A survey of the political municipalities in the canton of Zurich, a survey of the population of the Canton of Zurich and a survey of the agencies of the two big Landeskirchen of Zurich.
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The evaluation deals with the food legislation that was fundamentally revised in 2017 and is intended to protect consumers from health risks and deception. It is formative in nature and aims to identify any need for improvement in the implementation and revision of food legislation. The evaluation formulates ten recommendations on the basis of various analyses including diverse perspectives and the use of different methods.
The attitudes of the population towards (public) regulation are the focus of the present study. It is a follow-up study to the 2016 analysis of the attitudes of the Swiss population to public regulation (Höglinger/Widmer 2016) and is again based on a population survey. The comparison with 2016 shows that certain attitudes have changed over the last four years, while many attitudes have remained stable. The overall picture remains multi-faceted: Swiss voters are often not for or against regulation per se, but differentiate between the various regulatory objectives and contexts.
Child protection and foster care: The impact of institutions, funding, and implementation How do federalistic differences manifest themselves in child protection? To which degree do they influence child protection and foster care policies? Which measures will be funded at which regional level? Is there a correlation between funding, the authority to decide, and responsibility? This project wishes to ensure a systematic analysis of cantonal child protection policies, their inherent financial dependencies, and the impact on child protection practice in 26 cantons over the course of time. To the present state of knowledge, no in-depth investigation of the economic ties resulting from these cantonal policies has been carried out. This project will bridge this research gap by analyzing the different organizational framework conditions as well as the various financing mechanisms applied between 1970 and today. The systematic analysis of the political and financial structures in the cantons over the course of time and the combination of economic and the political analyses will contribute to improving child protection with the means available.
Cantonal action programmes (CAP) are a central instrument of Health Promotion Switzerland (HPS) to promote public health in Switzerland. From 2007 to 2016, these programmes aimed at promoting nutrition and movement among children and juveniles. In 2017, the framework conditions changed. Under the new framework, the programmes can now deal in addition with the issue of mental health and include the target group elderly people. This national evaluation evaluates the progress of implementation, the effects and the quality of the cantonal action programmes and the activities of HPS under the new framework. The evaluation allows obtaining findings on the implementation, goal attainment and quality management of the cantonal programmes and on the measures of HPS. The findings of the evaluation intend to support the implementation of the cantonal programmes. Further, the insights help HPS to enhance their steering of the CAP and the related quality management. In addition to these formative elements, the evaluation has also a summative stance. The evaluation of the performance of the activities of HPS concerning their own goals is summative and fosters the legitimation of the measures of HPS. The evaluation set-up is modular. In different modules, a mix of social science methods is applied. Desk research, document analysis, a survey, multiple interviews, secondary data analysis, a meta-evaluation and group discussions are carried out during the project phase from 2018-2021.
Representing a consultative body to the Federal Council, the Swiss Science and Innovation Council (SSIC) attends to questions regarding higher education, research and innovation in Switzerland. Its tasks include assisting in the preparation of the four-yearly messages on the promotion of education research and innovation (ERI), in which the Federal Council takes stock of the previous policy on the promotion of ERI and lays out future goals and measures to achieve these goals. In order to be able to consult the Federal Council in the preparation of the upcoming message on the promotion of ERI 2021-2024, the SSIC has commissioned an analysis of the previous messages on the promotion of ERI from 2008 to 2020. On the one hand, the analysis aims at providing a retrospective assessment of the messages on the promotion of ERI from 2008 to 2020. This analysis should determine goals, challenges and measures laid out in the previous messages, but also thematic continuities in the four-yearly messages. It should also cover the parliamentary proceedings on topics of the messages. On the other hand, the analysis deals with prospective questions. With respect to the upcoming message on the promotion of ERI, the analysis aims at identifying goals that the SSIC intends to endorse. The prospective analysis should also provide insights into the role of the messages as a proactively oriented instrument to steer and coordinate policy on the promotion of ERI in Switzerland.