Freitag, 1. Januar 2021 —
Montag, 31. Januar 2028
Jointly with Profs. David Dorn (director), Nir Jaimovich and Matthias Mahlmann, I co-direct the UZH Research Priority Program “Equality of Opportunities”. The URPP Equality of Opportunity aims to investigate the economic and societal changes that give rise to inequality. The researchers involved in the program will also analyze legal frameworks and political measures that help to increase equal opportunities for all members of a society. At IPZ, we conduct a sub-project that studies the politicization of economic inequalities and their political implications via survey experiments and focus groups. The project team consists of Tarik Abou-Chadi, Stefanie Walter, Tabea Palmtag, Delia Zollinger and myself. Also at IPZ, we support a range of excellent projects on political science inequality research through the IPZ Inequality Research Fund.
Silja Häusermann
Stefanie Walter
Tabea Palmtag
Transversale Forschungsschwerpunkte: